WASC Accreditation
Western association of schools and colleges
Western association of schools and colleges

La Costa Canyon High School is fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). LCC completed a Self-Study and had a full WASC visit in October, 2017. LCC had a MidCycle Visit in the spring of 2022. During this visit, accreditation was reaffirmed with a required Progress Report and One-Day Special Progress Visit in One Year. In March 2023, LCC completed this Progress Report and one day visit and accreditation was again reaffirmed. The Visiting Committee issued a positive report that concurred with all of LCC’s areas of strength and growth. LCC’s SPSA is our WASC Action Plan, so all LCAP, school goals, and Student Learner Outcomes (SLOs) are consolidated and aligned in one action plan. The next full Self-Study visit is scheduled for 2024-25.